The World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honour of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Food the most essential need of every living creature on earth is also the basic right of every human being. But the 2018 Global Report on Food Crisis provides the latest estimates of severe hunger in the world, around124 million people in 51 countries are currently facing food crisis.
Last year’s report identified 108 million people live in zones of food crisis across 48 countries. A comparison of the 45 countries included in both editions of the report reveals an increase of 11 million people and 11 percent rise this year.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that about 815 million people of the 7.6 billion people in the world, or 10.7%, were suffering from chronic undernourishment.
In Southern Asia, which includes the countries of Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh, the prevalence of the undernourishment is rising again, increasing from 9.4 percent to 11.5 percent whereas, Eastern Asia (where China is the largest country) and South-eastern Asia (including Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam) have reduced dernutrition substantially.


Food contamination can take place through various factors but one of the most important factor is “WATER”. If the water bodies like ocean, rivers are polluted/contaminated, the contamination directly or indirectly enters the human body causing health issues.
According to World Health Organization, every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result of water related diseases, making it the leading cause of disease and death around the world.
Micro plastic is a major threat and is getting into the body of humans, particles of micro plastic have been found in samples of tap water from around the world and in some of the seafood and sea salt that we eat the particles transport molecules that are harmful to humans at certain concentrations.
The treatment of water can be done at the source / supply stage or at the POE / POU stage. However, treated water at the supply stages picks up contaminants from the piping it is supplied in. Hence, it is mandatory to have a POE / POU water purification system at home. Making sure the water used for cooking food is treated well is of utmost importance to avoid diseases.
MATRIKX® powered by GREENBLOCK® filters manufactured by Filtrex Technologies have the capability to remove contaminants that are hazardous to human life. Typical application of the MATRIKX® filters is at the whole home level. Filtrex Technologies specialises in manufacturing carbon blocks, catalytic carbon and encapsulated filter housings for POU and POE water purification applications. The aim of Filtrex Technologies is to offer our customers the best valued high-performance activated carbon filters. All filters are manufactured in ISO (International Standards Organisation) 9001 and 14001 accredited and WQA sustainability certified facility. “We make every drop of water count”.